Maintenance Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Franklin Electric Centrifugal Water Pump

To ensure your Franklin electric centrifugal pump runs like it should, changing the oil is a vital part of maintenance. You also have to make sure you’re checking other components along the way.

While Franklin is a top brand, you still need to make sure you schedule maintenance regularly. You can do this more easily by learning more about the parts that make up a centrifugal pumping system.

Person servicing Franklin Electric Centrifugal Pump

What Is a Centrifugal Franklin Electric Water Pump?

A centrifugal pumping device is a hydraulic machine that is designed to convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. This entails using centrifugal force on the equipment’s fluid. Therefore, the machine rotates to support velocity on a liquid. The velocity is then converted into a flow.

The Major Parts of a Centrifugal Pump

Every centrifugal pump typically features the following components:

  • An impeller
  • Shaft
  • Casing
  • Suction and delivery pipes

The Impeller. The device’s impeller is made up of backward curved vanes. It is mounted to the electric motor’s shaft, or the rotating component of the machine. The casing that encloses the components is water-sealed. Therefore, it’s the impeller that rotates to give velocity to the liquid in Franklin electric pumps.

The Shaft. The shaft is the center component, rotating with the impeller when you switch on the unit. Therefore, it is linked to the major mover of the machine, or the impeller, to fuel the pumping device The shaft is fitted onto the equipment with a ball bearing.

The Casing of the Pump. The casing is a passage that surrounds the machine’s impeller, made to be air-and-water-tight. It is designed so the kinetic energy of the liquid, which is released at the outlet, is turned into  pressurized energy.

This happens before the liquid leaves the casing and is directed into the delivery pipe. The casing also serves as a cover to protect the parts and transforms the velocity created by the impeller into a stabilized flow. 

Three types of casings are featured in centrifugal pumps: namely, volute casings, vortex casings, and casings that come equipped with glide blades.

The Suction Pipe for the Pump. A suction pipe features two ends. The first end is attached to the inlet and one end dips into the water in a sump. A foot valve is fitted on the lower end

Because the valve is one-way, it only opens when the liquid moves upward. To stop the entry of unwanted bodies, a strainer is attached on the pipe’s end.

The Delivery Pipe/Valve. The delivery pipe or valve features two ends – one of which is connected to the machine’s outlet and one that directs the liquid at the required height.

Pump Maintenance Best Practices for Centrifugal Pumps

Franklin Electric centrifugal water pumps can provide reliable service for years and years, as long as you give the equipment some TLC. Not only will it save you money, it will save you future frustrations and headaches.

Just follow the key tips below for the best results. Franklin electric centrifugal pumps are the ideal machines to use for a wide range of applications, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Residential water supplies
  • Fire protection systems
  • Slurry and sewage disposal
  • Beverage or food manufacturing operations
  • Chemical manufacturing
  • Gas or oil industrial operations

Understand Proper Lubrication for Franklin Electric Centrifugal Pumps

To keep your Franklin Electric centrifugal pump running efficiently, proper lubrication is key.

Centrifugal pumping systems have bearings that allow the impeller and shaft to spin freely. Therefore, these bearings need to be lubricated regularly, based on the machine model and degree of use.

For most models, this means adding oil to the bearings. The type of oil will depend on the specific model, so check your owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Using the wrong oil can damage the bearings, which will burn out the pumping mechanisms and shorten the machine’s life.

Catching a Seal Failure

If the oil level drops suddenly, be on guard. It may indicate a seal failure, which means a leak . Catching seal failures early means avoiding costly and unexpected breakdowns and repairs.

Resolving Problems with Noise

It’s also a good idea to check for any strange noises coming from the machine, like squealing or grinding sounds. These ear-splitting noises indicate a lack of lubrication or worn-out bearings.

Schedule the Following Upkeep

Other things you can do to keep your pumping equipment running optimally include the following best practices:

  • Perform regular maintenance – like cleaning the impeller and volute to prevent buildup.
  • Ensure proper belt tension and alignment for belt-driven pumping equipment. Loose or misaligned belts can reduce performance and machine life.
  • Check that all fittings and connections are tight to avoid air leaks and machine cavitation.
  • Follow the recommended service schedule for your specific model. Most centrifugal pumping systems will last 10 to 15 years with proper maintenance and care.

Keeping your electric pumping unit well-maintained means avoiding expensive repairs, reducing downtime, and ensuring peak performance for a decade or more. A little preventative care goes a long way!

Make a Checklist for Basic Upkeep

Create a checklist , enumerating the following basic activities:

1. Inspect and Clean Regularly, Including Seals and Bearings

Inspect your pumping equipment for any signs of wear or damage and clear away any debris. Even small clogs can reduce performance over time.

2. Tighten Up Everything and Add Lubrication

While you’re at it, tighten any loose bolts or connections and lubricate the seals to prevent overheating.

3. Change the Oil and Filters

Most electric pumping devices require an oil change after the first 20 hours of operation. After that, you’ll need to change the oil and filters regularly, depending on the level of use. Fresh, clean oil is essential for reducing friction and preventing overheating.

Change fuel filters at least once a year or every 500 hours of runtime. Clogged filters will make your machine work harder and run less efficiently.

4. Test the Safety Features

If your pumping system has auto shut-off sensors or overload protection, test them regularly to ensure proper functioning. Malfunctioning safety features can lead to costly damage if left undetected.

5. Consider Professional Servicing

For major tune-ups or repairs, it’s best to have your pumping system serviced by a professional. That’s because they have the proper training, tools, and parts to get the job done right. Annual professional servicing is a good rule of thumb for most high-quality pumping machines.

By following the recommended schedule for inspections, or performing fluid and filter changes, safety checks, and professional servicing, you can count on your Franklin electric pumping system to deliver powerful, dependable results. Your pumping machine is a serious investment, so committing to regular maintenance is well worth the effort.

When to Check and Change the Oil

Every 3 to 6 months, check the oil level in the pumping device and change the oil if it’s dirty or low. The oil lubricates and cools the pumping mechanisms – required for optimal performance and longevity.

Use the specific type of oil recommended in your owner’s manual for your Franklin electric pumping model. The most common types are SAE 30 non-detergent oil for smaller pumping systems and SAE 40-50 for larger models. Be sure to drain the old oil, replace the oil plug, and refill to the proper level marked on the unit.

Not changing the oil regularly is one of the biggest mistakes owners make. Dirty or low amounts of oil won’t lubricate and cool the equipment properly, causing overheating, noise, and eventual failure with the progression of time.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so establish a routine to check your device’s oil level and make it a habit to change the oil every 3 to 6 months.

Again, your electric pumping system is a serious piece of equipment, so take the time to show it some respect. Doing regular maintenance like oil changes, inspections, and repairs, when needed, will help ensure many years of reliable service from your pumping equipment. A well-maintained pumping device is a quality machine.

When to Inspect Seals and Bearings and Order Repair Parts

Besides oil changes, it’s vital to examine the seals and bearings. The seals and bearings in your machine are subject to constant friction and wear, so inspecting them routinely can help identify issues early – or before they become big problems, or you experience a breakdown.

Every 3 to 6 months, do a visual check of the seals around the shaft inside the housing. Look for any cracks, tears or signs of leaking. Replace damaged seals immediately to avoid leaks and the absence or loss of efficiency. Defective seals may cause contaminants to enter the equipment or release hazardous chemicals into the pumping machine.

The bearings in your pumping unit reduce friction between important moving parts like the impeller, shaft and housing. Over time, bearings naturally start to break down and wear out.

If you don’t keep on top of things, your machine may rattle or grind. If you want to make sure things are done right, contact a professional to avoid any damage to other parts in the machine.

Little acts of maintenance, like regularly inspecting seals, bearings and other vulnerable parts of your equipment, will maximize your system’s life, so it can stay in prime working order. Make sure you don’t neglect those routine checkups. 

By following a recommended maintenance schedule, your prized Franklin Electric centrifugal pump will continue to provide quality service over time.

Also, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for servicing and repairs to keep your warranty valid. Read your warranty carefully to see what is and is not covered.

Keep Records of Maintenance and Repairs

Keeping detailed records of your centrifugal pump’s maintenance and repairs is one of the best ways to extend the equipment’s lifespan. As the saying goes, “What gets measured gets managed.”

By tracking the service history, you’ll have a better understanding of your pumping model’s condition. Regular preventative maintenance will help you avoid future costly repairs.

Log All Repairs and Maintenance

Any time you perform maintenance, repairs, or part replacements on your pumping equipment, note the date, details of the work done, and parts used. Over time, you’ll start to see patterns that indicate when certain components may need replacement.

For example, if you’ve had to replace the mechanical seal multiple times within the last few years, it may make sense to replace other worn parts at the same time during the next scheduled overhaul.

You might also discuss the problem with a professional – a plumber or pumping system specialist.

Record Operational Stats

In addition to repair/maintenance logs, track your machine’s hours of operation, flow rates, discharge pressures, vibration readings, and power consumption. Look for any significant changes that could indicate decreased performance or potential repair issues.

For example, higher-than-normal power use could signal worn or damaged parts that need replacement. By catching these changes early, you may avoid a catastrophic failure at a later date.

Review Records Regularly as Well as Operational Stats

Set a reminder to review your pumping equipment’s records at least once a quarter or every 3 months. Look for any patterns in repairs/maintenance that point to parts nearing the end of their useful life.

Check that operational stats are within the expected range for your pumping applications. If anything looks abnormal, investigate the matter further or schedule a service call to identify and correct the issue.

Keeping an organized, up-to-date log of your electric pumping device’s service and performance stats is one of the best ways to keep a pumping system running like new. Preventative maintenance and early issue detection can help avoid costly emergency repairs and unplanned downtime. 

Be sure to also keep copies of all repair, maintenance and testing records on file for future reference. A consistent records review and analysis will give you valuable insights into your machine’s condition and help maximize its operational life.

Common Causes of Failures

If your pumping machine is on the fritz, chances are it’s due to one of a few common issues.

Lack of maintenance

Again, not performing routine checkups and servicing is the number one reason why pumping systems fail prematurely. Things like worn-out bearings, clogged impellers, and corroded components can all lead to breakdowns.

To avoid these issues, have a professional inspect your machine once a year and replace parts, as needed.


Pushing your machine beyond its capacity can cause the motor and other parts to overheat, leading to permanent damage. Make sure you size your device appropriately for the job. Don’t run the system for extended periods if it’s undersized. Also ensure any vents or fans are clear of debris to prevent overheating.

Faulty installation

An improperly installed pumping machine won’t last long. Issues like misalignment, pipe strain, or loose fittings can all put extra stress on the equipment, causing it to fail prematurely. When installing or replacing a system, take the time to do it right to avoid future setbacks

By performing routine maintenance, operating the pumping equipment within its rated capacity, and ensuring proper installation, you can avoid the common causes of pumping failures. This will keep your machine running without fail. Again, a little prevention goes a long way!

Signs Your Pumping System May Be Failing

If your pumping device starts making strange noises, develops leaks, or just isn’t working like it did in the past, it may be on its last legs. Catching the signs of a failing pumping system early can help prevent inconvenient breakdowns and expensive repairs.

One of the first indications your liquid transfer and transport system needs replacement is excessive noise. As mentioned, the distracting sounds mean that the pumping mechanisms are working harder to function, and you’ll need to buy replacement repair parts soon.

Leaks or visible damage around the housing are also major alerts. Look for cracks in the case, liquid spots on the floor nearby, or liquid actively dripping from the unit. Any leaks mean that liquid and air are entering or escaping, reducing efficiency.

Diminished flow is another clue your machine is faltering. For example, if the pressure drops, faucets sputter, or the shower flow seems weak, the pumping machine’s impeller or valves may be worn or clogged.

Have a plumber test the pressure and flow rate. Low numbers usually mean a replacement of the pumping system is necessary to restore proper functioning.

If caught early, repairs or replacements can often be done before a complete breakdown. Paying attention to noticeable changes and scheduling service promptly can help avoid inconvenient outages as well as higher costs.

Final Thoughts About Electric Pumping Systems

By regularly inspecting Franklin electric water pumps, owners of the devices remain one step ahead of a machine’s upkeep. Remember, you need to:

  • Clear out any clogs or debris:
  • Lubricate the moving parts:
  • Check the shaft seal for wear-and-tear: and
  • Test the equipment periodically to ensure proper operation.

By setting up a regular schedule of maintenance, you’ll avoid the costs incurred with repairs and downtime. 

Your pumping system is a workhorse that keeps an operation working and in sync, so show it some regard by following maintenance best practices. Keep everything pumping for a long, long time!

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